What is Detoxification?
Detoxification is the constellation of physiologic and psychological processes by which the body identifies, neutralizes, and eliminates toxic substances, metabolic byproducts, habits, and patterns.
Alcohol and other narcotic withdrawal therapies are serious medical conditions requiring close supervision and are not managed by Dr. Izadi.
At Pristine wellness center we offer oral chelation to very specific patients with known heavy metal toxicity if other procedures to detoxify them fail. For an increasing number of people living in a more polluted and stressful world, body systems can become overburdened and strained by various contaminants that may lead to health problems.
How Detoxification Works
Although convincing scientific data supporting detoxification therapies are lacking, the question for a patient suffering from any of these symptoms remains this: “What can I do to find relief?”
Unfortunately, many gimmicky, expensive, unnecessary, and potentially harmful products, programs, and practitioners exaggerate their detoxification claims.
In general, patients should avoid dramatic and extreme approaches in favor of reasonable, safe, and health-promoting lifestyle changes that empower patients and avoid dependency and unrealistic expectations.
The five basic components of any detoxification program should include the following:
- Exercise every day, such as yoga and walking (especially in natural environments)
- Regular sweating, through exercise, infra-red sauna
- Healthy nutrition, rich in organic fruits and vegetables and filtered water
- Self-reflection, such as meditation and breathing-focused relaxation techniques
- Body work, such as massage and acupuncture
What does Detoxification help with?
There are 84,000 chemicals listed by EPA for use in the US and among those, 3,000 chemicals in very high levels. Exposure to toxins and harmful chemicals is inevitable.
Detoxification protocols and treatment can support processing and elimination of many of these chemicals, as well as lifestyle factors that contribute.
In general, these toxins can be identified within the following general categories:
- Antinutrients such as high-fructose corn syrup, trans fats, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods
- Internal metabolic toxins such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, bile, urea, and stool
- Medications used improperly, inappropriately, or too often
- Heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, tin, and aluminum
- Chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, cleaning products, solvents, and glues
- Allergens such as food, mold, dust, pollen, and chemicals
- Infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites
Further, the following social, emotional, and spiritual challenges affect health and wellbeing:
- Stress, such as lack of personal time, too much work, excessive worry, too little rest, and financial strain
- Unhealthy mental states, such as addictions, overeating, and destructive mental patterns
- Ambient distractions, such as pervasive noises, smells, lights, and images
- Overstimulation from advertisements, radio, computers, television, smart phone
- Lack of spiritual connection, a loss of meaning and purpose
- Isolation, the lack of social support and community
- Nature deprivation, being disconnected from natural environments
- Negative emotions and persistent self-defeating thoughts, such as anger, fear, guilt, and hopelessness
Although too infrequently acknowledged, the body and mind already possess the capacity to handle these challenges. This process of maintaining biological and mental balance is called homeostasis and is done by kidneys, gut, skin, lungs, lymphatics and circulation, mind and brain.
Symptoms that may reflect an overtaxed or dysfunctional detoxification system are vague and nonspecific, but when seen in constellations they suggest a problem with the body’s ability to restore itself. When potentially serious medical conditions have been ruled out by a reasonable allopathic workup, symptoms that may be attributed to a detoxification problem with the body often include the following:
- Fatigue with sleep disruption and brain fog
- Mood disturbance, especially depression, anxiety, fear, and anger
- Muscle aches and joint pain
- Sinus congestion, dark circles under the eyes, and postnasal drip
- Headaches with neck and shoulder pain
- Bloating and gas
- Irritable bowel, foul-smelling stools, and dark urine
- Weight changes and loss of muscle tone
- Heartburn, recurrent colds, and persistent infections
- Infertility and low libido
- Premature aging and weakness
- Fluid retention and excess weight
- Rashes and canker sores
- Bad breath and adverse body odor
Rejuvenate your body and mind. Detoxification starts with you.
Our detox protocols and recommendations are based in nature and habits, not chemicals and gimmicks.
Let’s discuss what may have the greatest impact for you.
Why Choose Pristine Wellness?
At Pristine Wellness Center, Dr. Izadi, our esteemed medical director, personally performs every procedure. As one of the most experienced medical professionals working with these procedures, she has achieved a remarkably high success rate, as reflected in her patients’ glowing testimonials.
Dr. Izadi is a quadruple board-certified physician with extensive expertise in functional and integrative medicine. She continuously enhances her knowledge by traveling the world, learning from leading doctors and scientists, and bringing the most advanced techniques back to her patients.
At Pristine Wellness Center, we pride ourselves on offering highly personalized care in a concierge-style setting—all at an affordable price, making top-tier treatments accessible to the average American.
Experience the difference in care and expertise at Pristine Wellness Center.
Preparation & Self-care for Detoxification Treatment
Dextox Protocol Recommendation
Detox protocol at Pristine Wellness Center
Please save the list of Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen foods (originally developed by www.ewg.org) on your phone so you know how to choose the produce when you go grocery shopping.
From the list of Dirty Dozen, only buy organic produce or do not eat it if organic options are not available.
From the Clean 15 lists, ok to buy non-organic produce (less toxic but not toxin-free)
Clean 15:
- Avocado
- Sweet corn
- Pineapple
- Cabbage
- Sweet pea
- Onions
- Asparagus
- Mangoes
- Papayas
- Kiwi
- Eggplant (not recommended to eat during detox)
- Grapefruit (not recommended to eat during detox)
- Canteloupe
- Cauliflower
- Sweet potato
Dirty dozen (now is 13)
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Nectarines
- Apples
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Cherries
- Pears
- Tomatoes
- Celery
- Potatoes
- Sweet bell peppers
- Hot peppers
During the whole process of detoxification:
- Avoid eating Grapefruit (high in bioflavonoid “Naringenin” which inhibits a key liver detoxification enzyme).
- Avoid Black pepper (increases gut permeability) and cayenne pepper and nightshade family of food.
- Avoid nightshade family: potato (but not sweet potato), tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, and paprika, since slowing down some key enzymes.
- Do not eat or drink: alcohol, recreational drugs, salt, sugar, processed food, pepper, grapefruit, nightshade produce.
- Do eat or drink:
- Filtered Water ( at least 4 quart /day)
- Take a high-quality probiotic (during the time of antibiotic treatment, take probiotics 2 hours after taking the antibiotics)
- Fiber ( start at 2 grams/d and increase every few days to 3 grams three times a day during the first week and then 6 grams three times a day during the second week.
- Half a pound of Brassica -family food (cruciferous): cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, turnip, rapeseed, bok choy, arugula, radish,
- Lots of vegetables from clean 15 list
- Lots of turmeric in cooking, avocado oil for cooking, and olive oil for dressing
- Sauna at least every other day for 30 min or longer if tolerated. For details about how to take a sauna, refer to my blog.
You may choose to buy a sauna tent for a couple of hundred dollars, it works well and you do not need installation or a lot of space for it.
- Decrease salt to 1/2 gram/d, decrease phosphate to less than 400 mg/d (processed cheese, canned fish, sunflower seeds)
- Do not take any minerals while on DMSA (zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium)
- 12 hours after the last dose of DMSA, take Fulvic acid to replace minerals that you lost during this phase: should replace all minerals.
- Fulvic acid: two droppers once a day to replace the excreted minerals and Iron
- And DMSA as directed
I recommend using infrared sauna every other day for a minimum of 15 min to one hour during the active detoxification phase. Please refer to my video to get the details about correct sauna detoxification.
Sauna removes different toxins including:
- Toxic metals: Arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury
- POP ( persistent organic pollutants): PCBs, PBBs, phthalates and its metabolites)( DMP, DEP, DBP, DCHP, DEHP, DINP) perfluorinated compounds (PFHXS, PFOS, PFOA, PFNA)
- Solvents and small molecules: methamphetamine, solvents
- Additional benefits: Increase lipolysis and production of growth factor
Toxification Contributors
Different sources of Xenoestrogens as endocrine disruptors:
- commercially raised meat and dairy (contain Bovine growth hormones)
- Pesticides
- tap water (petroleum derivatives along with endless other toxins)
- paraben (cosmetics, shampoo, personal care and beauty products) no first pass through the liver and more toxic since directly absorbs through the skin
- phthalates in plastic containers
- food additives. MSG , BPA (especially in canned food)
- dryer sheets
- soy protein
- Oral contraceptives
- Dioxin
- Colgate toothpaste. (contains Triclosan which is an endocrine disruptor)
Helpful Resources
The Dirty Dozen foods to avoid (and other excellent info on food and toxins): www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php
Whole house carbon block filter: www.lifesourcewater.com
Toxin-free cleaning in your home: https://www.honest.com/
About toxins in cosmetics: https://www.safecosmetics.org/
Nutrition Coaching: https://www.precisionnutrition.com/clients
Finding a biologic dentist in your area to remove amalgam safely and provide a toxin free dental care: https://iaomt.org/
Risks & Possible Side Effects
Studies have shown that detoxification with chelating agents such as EDTA or DMSA in patients who do not have an overload of toxins can cause more harm and eliminate necessary metal elements such as iron from the body and cause more issues.
At Pristine Wellness Center, we use all modalities to detoxify the body but start with the correct diagnosis and then helping the body to eliminate it and in rare cases use chelating agents with close monitoring of the symptoms during active detoxification.