Integrative Approach to “Cold Sores”

There are two different major types of Herpes simplex viruses and HSV-1 infections typically manifest as oral and labial lesions and occasionally as facial lesions. It starts as a red spot, then a cluster of fluid filled blisters that eventually crusts over. The viral shedding can last up to 23 days with a mean duration of 7-10 days.

Any type of stress and even trauma to the skin can cause flare-ups. Immune deficiency is also a major cause of the frequent flare-ups. 

Integrative approach: 

  1. Lysine is an amino acid that we don’t produce in the body and need to get it from food. Lysine supplements reduce the recurrence, severity, and healing period of herpes simplex virus infections. In contrast, the virus uses arginine to multiply. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid arginine-rich foods, such as nuts, grains, chocolate, and refined sugars, and increased intake of a lysine-rich diet of meat, fish, and dairy

    Lysine supplement: 1 gram 3 times a day for six months might decrease the number of flare-ups

  2. Vitamin C: immune booster, during the flare-up 500 mg twice a day 

  3. Topical Zinc: 0.25% every 30–60 minutes until lesions disappear

  4. Propolis: 3% propolis ointment applied four to five times daily for 10 days. (not for patients with allergies to bee products).

  5. Sangre de Grado: resin of a tree in the amazon. 15% SP-303 ointment applied three times daily for 21 days

  6. Aloe vera: 0.5% aloe vera extract in hydrophilic cream applied three times daily for 5 days 

  7. Meditation and relaxation techniques

  8. Black tea: drinking daily black tea might help to decrease the flare ups

And, of course, we have some antiviral medications that you may consider using if the lesions are painful and last a long time to resolve.