How To Get A Non-Surgical Facelift


Although it may seem improbable, a facelift can be accomplished without resorting to invasive surgery. The classic and sometimes risky surgical facelift has been replaced by a plethora of non-invasive treatments and procedures, as well as numerous formulations and cosmetics that promise comparable, healthier outcomes.’

non-surgical facelift procedure you go for depends on many factors, including your skin type and the areas you want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Read on to discover a few methods you can use to achieve a non-surgical facelift in San Ramon.

Nonsurgical procedures do not replace surgical facelift, If you ignore your skin and do not prevent ageing skin, the surgery will be the only option left for you. Some patients who have too much sagging, are not good candidates for non-surgical facelift.

  1. Botox

Botox non-surgical treatment people turn to the most frequently. Botox works by causing muscles to relax when it is injected, which helps to reduce the formation of wrinkles because when muscles relax, they are no longer able to relax. The contraction of muscles causes wrinkle formation so if you are looking for a great non-surgical facelift method, look no further than Botox.

Botox also helps to reduce the imperfections in your upper face, like forehead creases, smile and frown lines, and crow’s feet.

In 7-14  days, you can observe the effects of Botox, and they will endure for three to four months. The only way to keep wrinkles at bay after receiving Botox is to continue receiving treatments over time. It may take more sessions to smooth out deeper wrinkles.

With Botox, you can expect results from as early as three days or six days at most. However, you must remember that if you have deep wrinkles, you might need multiple sessions to achieve a 
non-surgical facelift.

  1. Dysport

If you are looking for a great alternative to Botox, Dysport is your go-to. Although Dysport is made from the same ingredients as Botox, it has a few benefits over Botox, like its effects lasting longer.

The effects of Dysport last for about six months; meanwhile, Botox typically lasts three months.

  1. Xeomin

For years, people have turned to neuromodulators like Xeomin and its counterparts Botox and Dysport for treating fine lines and wrinkles. Xeomin has the same effect as Botox in paralyzing muscles by blocking signals between nerves and muscles. As the substance is injected into the targeted muscles, it stops the contractions that lead to wrinkle formation.

But Xeomin differs from Botox in one important respect: The main difference between Xeomin and other neurotoxins is that Xeomi does not come with the proteins that the bacteria produces, therefore there is less risk of developing antibody against it and less risk of developing resistance.

In general neurotoxins are not replacing the volume loss, if you see lines while not moving any muscles in the face, it means you have volume loss and might not get rid of the lines completely by using neurotoxins but it makes those lines less prominent.

  1. Dermal fillers

Injectable dermal fillers are an excellent noninvasive alternative to surgical facelifts. These chemicals are injected subcutaneously by your medical professional. If you have wrinkles, fine lines, or lost volume in your face, these issues can all be remedied with dermal fillers.

A typical session for this elective therapy does not take up to an hour, not to mention the subsequent downtime is short. Instant and long-lasting results are possible with dermal fillers, with the specific type and placement of the filler determining how long the effects will remain.


Long gone are the days when the only option you had to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles was to get invasive facelift surgery. While a surgical facelift is quite effective in helping slow down ageing, it is also risky.

You can achieve a non-surgical facelift using injectables like dermal fillers, Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport. You can also use lasers to achieve a 
non-surgical facelift.